47 Meters Down follows two sisters who, while vacationing in Mexico, decide to embark on an ill-advised and dangerous shark dive that predictably ends in disaster. The sisters are stranded 47 meters below the ocean surface, running out of air, and surrounded by sharks. Reading that description, you may find yourself thinking, “that sounds interesting and exciting,” and you’d be right. That idea is interesting but its the movie’s execution of this idea that is just horrible. 47 Meters Down fails in just about every way a killer shark horror/thriller can fail.
Image Via: Sobrosnetwork
Coco (2017) Movie Review
Since Disney purchased Pixar in 2006, Pixar films have played it safe by focusing on sequels rather than creating original stories. Remember, the films Ratatouille, Wall-E, and Up were in development before Pixar’s acquisition. This is not to say that there haven’t been excellent, original Pixar stories like Inside Out, but otherwise, Pixar’s filmography has been filled with sequels and average original stories like The Good Dinosaur. Famed animator and one of Pixar’s decorated leaders, John Lasseter, took a recent six-month leave of absence due to sexual assault accusations. Some Mexican people were upset that Disney had tried to trademark their revered cultural holiday Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), in order to sell merchandise and others still were upset that the film seemed to rip off The Book of Life. The stage was set for Coco to fail spectacularly, but the film succeeds with its vibrant visuals, strong emotional core, and fantastical adventure to the Land of the Dead.
Image Via: Tufts Daily
Read moreThe Shallows (2016) Movie Review
The Shallows surprised me. I figured it to be a hackneyed star vehicle that showed off Blake Lively’s ample talents while a bunch of brown people die to save her. And while it does feature an attractive starlet who isn’t known for her acting prowess, and the only people who die are brown (it’s because they’re in Mexico guys), The Shallows is much better than a hackneyed star vehicle. The film is a straightforward but strong survival thriller.
Image Via: Movietubeonline.
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